Letter written October 10-11, 1973 from Dave to Gillian
Dear Gill,
This letter is being written in my B.S.C.S biology right in front of the teacher but she's too busy blabbing about body adaptations beneficial to society (sounds sexy, eh?). I have lunch next block ("D") then I'm going to skip my first class (Man and society).
We're moving two streets up into another brand new house. I haven't seen it but apparently it's Spanish.
My bedroom is downstairs off the playroom (handy for parties!).
Now I'm in French, just finished a test. Sitting here in utter boredom. Today is a depressing day, bad weather, school, it's Wednesday, and it's just another day without you.
There is a big mixup about your $2.00. Apparently Ralph spent it and owes you the bread. There is more purple pyramid going around, so I'm doing everything in my power to straighten things up on your behalf, so don't worry. I'll save ya! Well, almost everybody's finished the test. I'll be back to you later.
Hello, back again, (Sue Vessey took her pen back) I'm in Physics now (yawn) Sutherland is telling us about labs. (Sue and I are going out to smoke some of her weed-homegrown-I love listening to McCrea (next teacher-Eng.) when I'm stoned. (Sue's stoned-Hi Gill<-Sue.)
Well, today is October 11, "F" Block (French). I've finished all my homework up to date, with nothing better to do than speak to you.
I went to the Man and Society farmhouse and guess what? Andy, myself and Robert Fenhoulet, we are going in together on an ounce of Hash! The weekend is sometime in November.
Well, time is flying by quicker than I figured, you'll be coming home soon, we can embrace each other again like we used to.
I really miss ya, Gill
P.S. When do I get my Stones' album back goddamnit!
(Andy's) October 12, Friday (101)
I scored a 22-gram (rip-off) ounce of weed today. Went to the St.T. dance. Before + after the dance I was at Larry's, Janice Arden was there. Used to go out with Danny (drank 1/2 bottle Southern Comfort-ripped)
101. US Vice-President Spiro Agnew resigns over tax evasion.