part II 1971-1977


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October 15 Sunday

At about 12:45 Gillian came over, sat in the basement. Talked to Lesley on the phone. Ralph and Danielle came, didn't do much. Liz and Sheila came, listened to old tapes. Sheila and Liz left at 4, played cards. Ralph and I insulted Gillian about Chris last night [no doubt for different reasons]. They left at 6.


(Ps-Sheila goes back today).


October 16 Monday

Lunch-Ralph, Christine, Andy and I went to the C.C., met Linda, went in a little room off the lobby of the rink. Left that and met Dave, Lesley, Janet and Ruth outside. Stood awhile then went to the aud because it was cold. Ate candies and talked. English-Pound talked, he told us a story about a girl saying "Fuck-off, daddy" on the phone. nite-about 8 Lesley and Judy came over, sat in the basement. Bob came, he gave me 1 blotter of acid as a birthday present. Played cards, they left at 9:30.


October 17 Tuesday

History-got another text book. Supposedly reading. Dave told Wood to "wait a sec" [when asked something]. Lunch-Ralph, Christine, Linda and I went to the C.C., sat on the pavement outside the pool. Lesley came, then Dave, Andy, Ruth, Janet and Richard came. It was cold, had gloves. French-Calf away, Ralph and I went to the lockers the to the C.C. went to firebell rang. Ralph stayed there and I went in with Sandi and Lesley. Met Chris for asec in the Great Hall. Lesley, Sandi, Ruth and I talked on the stairs near French. Ralph came and we went back. Drew on our Lost Horizon. Math-Andy got a 'D' for being late.


October 18 Wednesday

My 16th birthday. B(spare)-Christine, Dave and I went to the shops, got donuts, sat outside Steinberg's. Talked about the beach etc. Lunch-Ralph, Andy, Dave, Ruth, Linda, Lesley, Janet and I went to the C.C., sat outside the pool in the corner. Ruth gave me a Beatle doll [Paul]. Ralph was burning a cig package. English-worked on assignments. Had a firebell, met Dave, Lesley and Andy outside. Got Dave's bus to Fairview with Ralph, Andy, Dave and Linda right after school [pictured at right]. Got a light for the projector and took pictures. Got a blacklight poster 'Mary Wanna'. Left at 4. nite-Judy came over, then Ralph and Danielle, then Lesley. Sat in the basement, watched all the movies.


October 19 Thursday (74)

Chem-Dave broke a beaker. B(spare)-went to the shops with Dave and Christine. Got donuts, sat outside Steinberg's. Dave bought filtered Gitanes. Lunch-went to the C.C. with Lesley, Ruth, Linda, Dave, Ralph and Christine. Rolled a leaf and smoked some of it. On the way called Ralph inferior, on the field met Chris. nite-got the bus to Fairview at 7, met Dave and Diane under the clock at 7:45, then Lesley at 8. Got a new record player needle and a new flood light bulb. At the bus when leaving talked with Dave, Diane and Don from inside the bus.


October 20 Friday

B(spare)-Andy, Christine, Dave and I went to the shops, got donuts, sat outside Steinberg's. Art-around 1800, David (artist) [who's technical skill greatly influenced me]. Lunch-Dave, Ralph, Andy, Ruth, Linda and I went to the C.C., sat outside the pool in the corner. Ralph and Andy play fighting. nite-I smoked the joint I bought in Art [from who? I also filmed myself magically appearing on a couch in the basement]. Then I walked to Lesley's stoned, got there about 7:20. Linda came, then Ralph and Andy, the Danielle, then Gillian. Didn't do much, got a ride with Ralph at 11.




74. Monty Python returned to television in England on this date, with 13 shows that ran until January 18, 1973. The first 4 had actually been filmed in 1971. They seem to have been off the air there since Demember 1970, with new shows at least.


It is more that likely that the violence of the episode "Salad Days" (aired in England on November 30, 1972) influenced me to do the splatter film of February 1973...