part II 1971-1977


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October 9 Monday Holiday

At 1 Ralph came over, the Gillian. Watched the movie 'Help' on TV. Gillian left mad because Abby was coming over. Abby and Cathy Hay came, and at 3 we rode to Ralph's. Ralph, Abby, Cathy, Danielle and I got a ride downtown to the Outremont Theatre, saw 'Concert for Bangela Desh'. Got a ride back to Ralph, rode his bike home.


October 10 Tuesday

A guy had a weed leaf pressed in a book on the bus. Art-drawing, Linda was the model. History-in the aud, labour party. Andy was drawing gory pictures. Lunch-Andy, Dave, Ralph and I went to the C.C., sat outside the pool on the pavement. Ruth and Linda came. Thinking up ideas for oral comp. After school Ralph came over on the bus, sat with the blacklite on, watched 'Bonanza' (Star Trek was not on because of baseball).


October 11 Wednesday

B(spare)- went to the shops with Dave and Christine, got donuts. Went back, made a fake joint and dropped it in the hall to see what people would do. History-had the NDP candidate in the aud, Mr Wood [Lloyd Wood, whose son was a fixture of the Mapes scene]. Lunch-Ralph, Dave, Lesley and I went to the same place as yesterday. Ruth and Linda there, Andy and Dan Goodier came and left after 5 minutes. Ralph took and ran off with Ruth's cigs [again?].


October 12 Thursday

B(spare)-Christine, Dave and I met Richard outside and we walked to the shops, bought donuts. Lunch-Dave, Ralph and I sat outside the rink, got kicked out. Met Linda, Ruth and Lesley on the way out. We all went to the aud and played Dave's T-Rex tape. nite-at about 7 Sheila (visited from Toronto) came over, sat in the basement, then Liz Haden came, then Ralph. Dumped water on Sheila, Dave came, Sheila got mad and went in the backroom [not over the water, she acted very strangely this trip]. They left at 10.


October 13 Friday

Sheila at school, introduced her to Chris in the hall. B(spare)-Andy, Sheila, Dave, Ralph, Christine and I went to the shops, got donuts. Lunch-Sheila, Dave, Ralph and I went to the C.C. outside the pool, Richard there with a bike, rode it on the pavement. Lesley, Ruth and Linda came and Chris (to see Sheila). Ralph had a camera [and his pictures still exist]. After school Lesley, Sandi, Ralph and I walked up Maywood to Cargo Canada, looked around, got a hanging incense burner, incense, Sue's birthday present and a wooden hand giving the finger. We went to the caf in KMart and ate. Ralph and I left at 5:30 because we lost Lesley and Sandi. Ralph went up another street and Lesley and Sandi came up in a car and got out [strange]. Walked the rest of the way with them. nite-about 7 walked to Lesley's, we went to Sandi's, he had a weed plant growing. They ordered beer and put it in a nap sack and we went to Lesley's. Got a drive to Malcolm Campbell High School in St Laurent?, on the way picked up Judy and Janet Stockton [sisters] and Morbid and Dan. Went to a coffee house, Lesley drunk. Met Manny, got $2 of hash. At 11:45 couldn't find Sandi. Lesley, Janet and I went to Morbid's house to see if she was there. Janet and I stayed while Lesley and Harvey went and looked. They came back with Sandi and a guy (Simon). Got a drive with Lesley, got home at 2. [basically this night was a drag]


October 14 Saturday

At 12:50 Sheila came over, sat in the basement. Ralph and Danielle came, didn't do much. Had a plastic cane [?]. Sheila left at 4, we sat in the reckroom awhile then the basement. Ralph read a book, they left at 5. nite-about 7:55 got picked up by Lesley at the path, we got Gail West then we grove to Dave's. Danielle, Diane and Ruth there. Ralph, Danielle and Chris came [a pleasant and unpleasant surprise]. They came me a pacifier, some Gitanes and 3 joints (splifs) for my [16th] birthday. We had them at different times, there were 4 (I had one) [to myself]. Sat under an umbrella, they gave me a cake (ahhh!), had a seance in the back. Gillian and Chris lying together. At 11 Diane left and Sue and Heather came. Did strange trible [?...probably 'tribal'] dancing (La Le, La Le La boom!). Dave got mad because Lesley ripped his poster. Left at 12 with Ralph [I didn't have a great time...Ralph took photos].

October 14, 1972