October 4 Wednesday
Chem-had an easy test, got 34/40. Drew Prof. Freanmire on the back [he was a long white haired mad professor cartoon I created about this time]. B(spare)-Dave, Christine and I met Richard at the C.C., he asked me to come to his party Friday night. We went to the shops, got donuts. History-in the aud, had Ron Blaker (the Liberal candidate) [as a guest speaker, eventually coming acting speaker in the House of Commons]. Lunch-Ralph, Dave and I went to the C.C. under the trees, met Ruth and Linda. Andy came, then Richard and Diane. Ate acorns (ick). Chris came (shock). French-Ralph had to stand for about 15 minutes because he made a lot of noise with his chair [bad boy].
October 5 Thursday
B(spare)-went to shops with Diane, Dave and Christine. Met Richard there, got donuts. Lunch-sat under the trees with Diane, Dave, Lesley, Ralph, Linda, Ruth. Threw leaves at each other. Lesley had a dress on (cute). English-drew Prof. Freanmire on English desk and on Ruth's hand at Lunch. nite-at 6:20 got picked up by Andy brother [Peter?], Andy and Ralph in the car. Went to Beaconsfield High School. Met Gillian there, saw the movie 'Alice Restaurant'. Met Dave, Lesley and Judy 1/2 way through. Got ride with Ralph at 9:15.
Agreement Diane signed October 5, 1972
I, the undersigned, promise never to take Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (L.S.D., Acid, Goodies) again in my life. Signed Diane Bouchard.
Witnesses 1) Alan Rhodes 2) Dave Essiambre
[she broke it...]
October 6 Friday
B(spare)-Dave and I went to shops, met Richard there, got donuts. Lunch-Ralph, Dave, Andy and I went under the trees at the C.C. Lesley, Ruth, Linda, Brenda, Cathy Dyre and 2 girls were there, didn't do much. Math-Andy didn't come, work. nite-met Judy at shops at 8 (it was raining), then we met Bob and Lesley on Donigani. We walked up Maywood to Hymus. Went in a store called 'Cargo Canada', got 2 posters-'T-Rex' and 'Stoned Again!'. Sat outside the store 'till 10, then we went and phoned Lesley's father. Judy, Lesley and I went back to Lesley's, sat in kitchen and the livingroom, read 'Life' magazines. Her father drove us home about 12.
October 7 Saturday
About 12:15 Ralph and Dave came over, watched 'Star Trek'. Gillian came, made tapes of T-Rex songs, only we were the instruments. Gillian and Dave left about 5:15, Ralph stayed. At 6:30 Ralph and I walked to Gillian's in the rain. Ralph used my sister's umbrella. Dave was there and Mike (a friend of Gillian's brother, he's 26 and from India). Andy came, played Hide and Seek in the dark. Andy and Ralph play fighting, read Gillian's diary (74) Got a ride with Ralph at 11:45.
October 8 Sunday
Got up at 1:30, Ralph and Danielle had been waiting outside for 15 minutes. Listened to something on the Beatles on the radio for awhile. Dave came, made more music tapes, got bongos from my room. At 5:30 Gillian came and Ralph and Danielle left at 6. I rolled 2 splifs from the hash Gillian brought. At 7:15 Andy came and we smoked the goodies, got very stoned. Made tapes of us talking (Harold and Edith). Ralph came, made more tapes [which still exist]. Sat in the basement awhile, played Hide and Seek with the blacklite. Hid in my sister's room and Ralph couldn't find me. They left at 11.
74. Something about a tent and loosing her virginity. Even in the 90's she still hadn't forgot it. It was also this night that I broke the key of a very old cabinet in Gillian's livingroom, while turning it in the lock. I remember the event but it was Gillian who told me it was this night.