part II 1971-1977


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May 5 Friday

Judy came in with Christine, she looked really ugly. Gym(spare)-got Janet at her locker, met Ralph on my locker hall, while talking to him Chris went by. I asked if he had any beer, he smiled. Janet and I went to the Civic Center rink. Lunch- Lesley, Janet and I met Dave in the aud, we went and sat up by the aud doors with Janet's friend, then we sat outside by the aud wall facing the water tower. Got really mad at Dave [over what?]. Then we sat on the stairs inside. Art- Wood had a book about 'Star Trek' (53). English- had a grammar test, near the end heard Lesley outside through the windows yell "Cuteness" and Dave yell "Hey Alan". Science- Chris T sat with me, he signed [my suede] coat (the first person in a long time). He drew a stork on the desk and said it was his trademark in Toronto, he also said it was his brother's 21th birthday today. Scott Pride was playing with the tap. nite- Gillian and Jennifer Severs came over at 7:30, sat downstairs. Then Lesley and Judy, then Ralph, Danielle and Andy, then Dave and Diane. They read Playboys, threw plastic bowling pins at each other. Played cards, had sparklers. Dave didn't feel too great, he dropped tonight. Lesley asked me the question [if I'd go out with her]. Gillian and I were attacking each other all night. Jennifer left at 10, everyone else at 11:30.


May 5/72 Sandy Campbell

Earth! This is God! I want you all out by the end of the month, I have a buyer who's interested in the property.


pythonMay 5/72 Jennifer Severs

I had a orgasm once, I kept it on a string and fed it jelly beans but the wheels fell off and it died


May 5

Danielle deSmit

Hopefully going to the Pits tomorrow Yaah Bye


Diane Bouchard May 5



May 5/72

Judy Franklin

Hai Peace!!


May 6 Saturday

Met Ralph, Gillian, Danielle and Lesley at the phone booth near J.R.H.S. We went to the Pits, to DRAG Creek. Lesley didn't, she went off by herself. We lit a fire, Gillian's ring fell in the water. Lesley returned, I sat in a tree. On the way out saw Chris T and other people, Ken was there. Walked home. Ralph, Danielle and I went back to Ralph's, ate dinner, then Ralph's father drove us downtown (Ralph, Danielle and I) to Alexis Nihon Plaza to see the movie "Monty Python's And Now For Something Completely Different" (54). There was a big lineup, we got in at the second show at 9:30. It was really good. Got home at 12.


May 7 Sunday

At 1 pm met Ralph at the phone booth near J.R.H.S. [this was the day Dave and Gillian went up north with Lesley. They spent the day waiting in the car while Lesley's mother went drinking. It seems Dave and Gillian ate alot of hot dogs] we went to the Pits, sat on the hill. Danielle came, we went to DRAG Creek. I brought my tape recorder (audio sample). Lit a fire, sat around. Went back to the cliff around 3:55, walked across to the opposite side. Ralph started burning the grass, went and sat up at the place as you come in, threw grass. Ralph and Danielle left at 4:15, I sat and watched motorcycles. At about 5 Chris T came up and sat with me 'till 5:15.






53. The beginning of Star Trek's resurgence is dated to this time. Canceled in 1969 due to low ratings, it began a new life in syndication (see May 20, 1972 and others). The first Star Trek convention was in June 1972.


The original series is still fun to watch. Though superseded technically by the later series, it has characters and relationships that they can't match.


It is very much a product of its time nevertheless. Female characters spouting such lines "Brain? I know nothing of brain" ('Spock's Brain'), are sources of unintentional hilarity.


54. Other films playing in town that weekend included "Georgy Girl", "Dr. Strangelove", "Sacco and Venzetti", "Fiddler on the Roof", "The French Connection", "Pasolini's Medea", "WR: Mysteries of the Organism", Swedish Fly Girls", and "Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!"...