April 18 Tuesday Strike Holiday
Walked to Lesley's, Diane there. Played cards. Walked to Judy's, Christine, Bill and Chris (two guys. Chris is cute) there. Christine I guess is going out with Chris [hopefully Christine had by now got over her crush on me]. Lesley, Diane and I played a long game of Cheat and Crazy 8's. Outside a helicopter flew over and was very loud as it approached, and as it passed over it was normal. Walked home.
April 19 Wednesday Strike Holiday
Taped abit of 'Thick as a Brick' (Jethro Tull) off the radio.
April 20 Thursday Strike Holiday (48)
Walked to Fairview with Lesley, met Ralph and Danielle 1/2 way. At Fairview Ralph and I went to meet Dave, got Dave and met Sandi. Went and sat in a tent on display [in the mall outside Simpson's]. Ralph, Dave and I stayed in the tent while the others went to get a birthday card [but for who?]. Diane came in the tent, the others came back. We all went and got pictures taken [the first of Diane and Sandi], went to the Drop-In. Judy was on the bus after with Lesley, Sandi and I. nite- walked to Lesley's, did a copy of her ceiling all nite. Ralph and Danielle there. Went to the D.Q. and Perette's for asec. Just talked.
The Graffiti of Lesley's Ceiling as copied April 20, 1972
Let's do it like we're friends. Let's do it, do it. Sex! I'm not a Munchkin anymore(Lesley is) Ralph Hai Leslie Dave Essiambre March 30/72 Cuteness is a ! fill in Don Dowden Nov 14/71 Sweet Leaf I was here Feb 13/72 Sandy Don't you feel stupid reading a ceiling! Mike McCartney Oct 3/71 Hai Lesley Love Judy Foot Yummy Yummy Yummy I got love in my tummy (it tastes terrible) (heartburn!) 30/3/72 Hello Leslie from D deSmit March 12, 1972 If I had a dime for each word here I'd be stoned M.M. Howdy Howdy Howdy Guess Who? Today is Fri March 3 1972 I feel depressed because everyone is watching "The Russians are Coming" Graffitti Today is March 18/72 L+D+A Woman You Is Ugly! Judy Buns MeMe I'm French Wisard Obsean Words rolls buns eggs(scrambled) cream or bream donuts breadsticks jelly pizza Nov 14/71 Penis is an ugly word I wish my birthday would come more often, I need home juice-Lanore Doy!!! It is March 12/72 and it is about 40 out and sunny. It is 2:34 pm and there is a dead dog on the 2&20. Ralph is spastic. He thinks "hello" is a terrible word. Alan Rhodes Sinful that's not true Ralph Yes Mike McCartney New Year's Eve 1971-1972 He who blah bitch + no-no (oh forget it) Dave ice cream Raymond H. This is March 25/72 one day after Black Sabbath the worst group I have ever seen live Munchkins Arise (I stood on a stool to write this) Ralph Lesley+Don are weird April Fools! Love Life and Don Serge F. I am here Lesley loves Don Dowden and Max Buns Alan Rhodes Nov 14/71 Today is Feb ?, 1972 Don is not here Lesley R.H. Nobody is happy today bummer bummer Gillian had hickies (sin) March 25/72 Reading this here note Alan Rhodes says hi there Oct 3/71 Don If you read this you are spastic Deep Purple 20/1/72-No No No Black Sabbath-March 24/72 Hi there all you out there!
April 21 Friday Strike Holiday
Met Lesley and Sandi at the shops, walked to Ralph's and got him, then we walked to Diane's house in Dollard, sat in the kitchen. Dave came [while there Ralph got a call telling him the house behind his was on fire]. At 5:30 Diane's mother drove us to the Pierrefonds Arena. Ralph, Dave, Diane and I went across the street to the school Pierrefonds Comprehensive. Diane bought some acid there [Orange Barrel] (49) at the side of the arena Ralph, Dave, Diane and I dropped [having not done acid since January 21, I was nervous]. Went in and found Lesley, she and Sandi dropped. We were all tripping. Andy McLelland was with us (not tripping). Got a drive at 12:30 with Ralph.
We had a wonderful time. Watched a fight between two hockey players at a game in the rink next door. A girl followed a guard with a pretend gun to his head. We threw around a piece of tar from the rink, could have sworn it was a grasshopper. We watched as the holes in the ceiling beams of the arena danced and expanded. As we left we were making fun of jocks "Get in the car, Steve"...
48. Apollo 16 lands on the moon.
49. About the 'Orange Barrel'...could this have been 'Orange Sunshine'? If so, then we had connected (however tenuously) with the Haight-Ashbury of the '60's. The story goes like this...The Brotherhood of Eternal Love, a southern Californian ex-biker gang turned religious cult, began to distribute a particularly pure form of LSD manufactured by Bill Hitchcock (a chemist who had been at Millbrook in 1967) and Tim Scully (a former assistant of Owsley). By June 1969 Scully had produced some 10 million hits of acid.
"The magic caught on. In the late 1960s and early 1970s orange sunshine turned up in all fifty states and numerous foreign countries...if you smoked pot or dropped acid in the late 1960s or early 1970s, you probably heard legendary tales of this secretive group of dopers who were dedicated to making sure that primo stash was available at reasonable prices..."
By the way, the Brotherhood also seemed to have invented hash oil...