November 21 Sunday
Mike, Christine, Lesley, Judy and Don came over, we sat in my room [in the afternoon. An audio recording survives - audio sample]. We smoked up (got stoned). Lesley left but came back. Mike tore apart a smoke and ate it. I ate a cold pill (weird!). At about 8:30 Mike came here and sat in the dining room and watched while we played "Life".
November 22 Monday
(Laine's 16th birthday). Mike was going to come to school today but he didn't. Lunch- in the caf with Heidi, Porter and Dave. Said the sweet-tarts were acid. Had a "D" after school for not doing Math homework, met Don at the shops walking home.
November 23 Tuesday
Lunch- went to the library, drew a picture of a guy watering his weed. nite- met Don at the shops, went to Topaz restaurant. We left without paying 12ยข tax. Went to Lesley's, got a new nickname "Wizard". We looked through mags called "Man, Myth and Magic"-very icky.
November 24 Wednesday
Lesley barfed in her E block Art class. At my locker before Science Alex Mitchell told me mesc was coming in soon.
November 25 Thursday
Gym(spare)- Lesley came in the school (she was late). Near the chip machine people were taking Tracy Price's shoe. nite- Mike came here and we walked to the shops. Drew in the tunnels (Sex, Fuck, Orgasm, etc). Got to the shops, Don wasn't there. Walked to Stuart Hall, met Judy, went to the library. Talked over movie ideas. Went to the coffee house, Judy left. About 15 minutes later Don and Lesley came. Drew on a cardboard, then we went out (snowing heavily). Walked with Mike down Lakeshore. When I got home I wrote "Fuck" in big letters on the front lawn.
November 26 Friday
French- Tracy has a black eye. Gym(spare)- walked to the shops to meet Don, he wasn't there. When I came back, I sat beside my locker with Heidi while she read my Playboy (Dec). Lunch- sat in the library, Christine and her friend came in. nite- went to the shops, met Don then Lesley and Judy near Topaz. Went to the Mapes. On the way Don had a [lit] flare [which made car slow down as we crossed the 2&20]. When we got there Don said he could get mesc from a guy. So he went to Dorval Ave to get it and we waited for 1+1/2 hrs. We got it, I got 1 cap of mesc ($2). We went to Judy's, at Ritz crackers. We all sat on one sofa. Walked home.
November 27 Saturday
Don came here, smoked up in my room (got stoned). We walked to Stuart Hall, Don couldn't get up a hill there [because of mud and he was stoned]. Went to the coffee house and waited. Lesley and Judy came, we went upstairs and looked for stuff in the Lachine massacre (couldn't find a fuckin' thing). Went and sat at the bottom of the stairs. Went to Lesley's (I didn't go home for dinner). Sat downstairs then upstairs in the kitchen (Lesley, Don, Judy and I). I took 1/2 cap of mesc at 5:05, watched 'Bugs Bunny'. Judy and I went downstairs (Don and Lesley eating). I wrote on things "Judy + Laine". I wasn't getting off on the mesc so I took the other half. We drove to my place to get Lesley's records then to Ralph deSmit's (33) (near the townhouses near J.R.). I started getting off around 9 (reading "Mad" books). We smoked up (I was knocked off my ass stoned. I didn't know at times what was happening). We left about 11:05 and walked home (Lesley, Don, Alison and I) [I didn't wear my jacket while we walked, and it was snowing, I don't know who Alison was (actually she was probably Alison Skelton, see December 3, 1971), or what had happened to Judy]. Watched 'The Birds' on TV.
33. Ralph was a friend of Dave's, but it is not recorded how we arranged to go to his place. Ralph's home dated from the 1960's, and was decorated in the then modern Danish furnishings. Most of our time there was spent in the reckroom in the basement, with couches and chairs, and posters of Europe (and one Russian one) on the walls. Ralph's room was on the second floor.