part II 1971-1977


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BTW, Edgar Winter's 'Frankenstein' was a hit about now...


November 14 Tuesday

Brought the movie camera to school, filmed abit in the back parking lot. Lunch-Ralph, Dave, Linda, Ruth, Gail A, Lesley and I went to the C.C. in the door to the YMCA, filmed. Lesley and Gail went in, the rest of us went in. Sat downstairs outside Data. French-Kalf away, Ralph and I wrote a dialogue in English and Dutch. Math-Andy and Mike back. After Ralph got the bus just to get his bike back from my place. [....Went to Alan's to pick up my bike; he let out the air in my front tire because I accidentally broke his watch yesterday during "F". Nobody could find Dave after he did half a cap of mesc off Bev C. in "H" block. [Who was Bev C.?] He'd planned to go to Pierrefonds Comp. to look for goodies with Linda and Christine].



English-Dutch dialogue between Ralph and I November 14, 1972


Hello Ralph. Hallo Alan

Where are we going tonight?

We gaan messchien naar Dave's (We might go to Dave's)

We can't go there. He won't be home.

Waar gaat hij nu eveer naar toe? (Where's he going to be?)

To Pierrefonds Comp. to see someone.

Kunnen we daan naar Lesley's huis? (Are we going to Lesley's then?)

We could, but there's not much to do.

Wat gieft dat, er is tock noit eits doer. (What does that matter, there's nothing to do anywhere)

That's true, we could always go downtown.

Wat is in de staat doen, anders dan grass toe kopen. (What's there to do downtown, other than buying ****)

Well it's worth it, anyway I'll phone you later, ok?

C'est bien, au revoir Alan.


November 15 Wednesday

B(spare)-Christine, Dave and I went to the shops, I finally got folders for Poetry and Literature. Got donuts and sat outside Steinberg's. Lunch-Ralph, Dave and I went to the C.C., met Ruth and Linda in the corner. Judy there for asec, she was going skating. Andy came. French-Kalf back, Ralph and I told her we were late Monday. Math-Hunt moved people, I'm by the windows. [After school rode my bike to Dave's to hear new Tull album [Living in the Past?]...Missed Star Trek!...] nite-went to the library, met Richard there, then Lesley and Judy. We sat outside the coffee shop. Richard left at 9, I left at 9:20. [the filming done this day is probably the Star Trek ("Who Mourns for Adonis") shot off the TV...]


November 16 Thursday

B(spare)-Christine, Dave and I went to the shops, didn't get donuts. Linda came and sat with us outside Steinberg's. Lunch-went to the C.C. with Ralph, Dave and Lesley. Ruth and Linda there. Ruth had lots of candies and was throwing them around. [...Skipped M&S [Man and Society, formerly Moral and Religious Instruction], Dave skipped French, sat beside the arena, went in the pool, got kicked out, watched hockey in the arena]. On the way in met Chris coming out, he said that Ralph had one of his boots. Math-Mike and I moved back to our normal places. [After school] Went to Dave's, listened to records, watched Star Trek..."The Doomsday Machine"...did our homework. Left around 6:15 pm, walked, got home around 6:50 pm].