part II 1971-1977


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November 17 Friday

Chem-got a note telling me to go to the office at 8:30. I went and registered for my June exams, I think I was the last one in the school to do it. B(spare)-Dave, Christine, Ralph, Andy and I went to the shops, got donuts and sat outside Steinberg's. Ralph broke Andy's bottle, chased each other on the way back. Lunch-Dave, Ralph, Andy and I went to the C.C., sat in the corner. Linda and Ruth came. Andy had a hockey stick, Ralph hit Linda's cigs with it and broke all but one [another victim of Ralph's Reign of Terror against other people's cigarettes]. Math-kept calling Mike a peasant. nite-at 4:30 I walked to Richard's house near Lesley's, at 5:30 his old lady drove us to McDonald's. We ate then started to walk to Dave's, on the way we met Ralph. He said we couldn't go to Dave's, we stopped at Diane's and got her and walked to Ralph's. Went to his room, red Mad etc. Got a ride at 11 with Richard. [After school Dave came here with the idea that we could go to his house together because that's where everyone was going. Andy came for about 2 minutes to get $2 from Dave. [After Star Trek] Dave said he that he had to call his mother. He did so and his mother told him that he had to go babysitting. Dave called Alan to tell him but Alan had already left because he was eating at MacDonald's. Dave and I went on my bike to try and find Alan. I left Dave at the lights on the corner at Fairview and rode to Mac's. Alan wasn't there and I rode down Devon to the edge of the field but couldn't find him. I rode back and I lost Dave. I rode back to the field and crossed it but I didn't have the nerve to call at Dave's. Crossed the field again and found Dave on Devon. Went to Dave's house. Phoned home to ask if Alan had come by; they said no. Decided to go home and came across Alan and Richard Hilljones (Yech!) on Devon. It seems they had gotten a ride to Mac's. I told them what had happened and advised against burning down Dave's house. I suggested we go to my house. Stopped at Diane's. Diane came with us. I went on ahead and they got to my house at 7:30. The rest of the evening wasn't too thrilling [in sharp contrast to the beginning of the evening]. All my bottle candles dropped into their bottles. We read Mad's, insulted Richard. Diane left at 10:45. Alan and Richard left at 11:00 pm].


November 18 Saturday

About 12:10 Dave came over, then Ralph. Dave gave us each a joint of grass and we smoked, got STONED. [...Went to Alan's at 12 pm and arrived just after Dave did. Dave had 4 or 5 j's and gave one to me and one to Alan. Dave did his, then Alan, and while I was smoking mine Hilljones came and I had to hide in the can but a seed exploded and [the joint] went out so I had to get out and get a light; about ten minutes later Dave lit up another one and shared it. Then Diane came and Dave gave her one too]. Diane came then Richard, smoked more. Gillian and some guy Trevor [Oliver, later to become a D.J at CHOM] came. Gillian gave me 1/4 of a blotter of acid which I didn't take. [Gillian and some creep Trevor came at 1:30 and brought 3/4 of a blotter to split with Dave and Alan. Dave, Trevor and Gillian did theirs]. [Foster] Tilden came for awhile. Richard left at 4:30 never to return. [Tilden came over and for some rolling papers smoked us up about 4 j's. Tilden left and we kept insulting Gill, Trevor and Hilljones, Hilljones left. We waited for Bugs Bunny to come on but it was pre-empted]. About 6 Mike came and Ralph left to eat. About 7 Andy and Ralph came. [I rode home for supper at 5:30 pm. Andy in his brother's car [Peter was driving] picked us [Danielle and me] up at 6:45 and we got to Alan's at around seven. Everyone was in the den on the phone except for Gillian who was on the downstairs extension. I talked to Gillian downstairs for a while and she was complaining about how bitchy everyone was. At about that time Tilden came with Fenoulet [sic] and Parnell]. Tilden came with [Rob] Fenouhlet and [Fred] Parnell, they left about 1/2 hour later. About 8 Bob came with Beer (ick). At 9 Lesley, Sandi, Cathy, and some guy Rob came drunk. I heard Lesley, Sandi, and Rob were sick [After sitting in the living room for a while they went downstairs to the back and smoked [up] with others [?]. They left around 10. I went to the den where Alan, Diane, Dave and Mike were sitting. Dave went downstairs to listen to records. Alan played around with the record player [ie: the stereo in the den- the speakers in the living room] turning the radio on and off full blast; put on "Danny Dunn and the homework machine" and kept changing speeds [no wonder Foster and co. went downstairs]. I went downstairs where Andy, Dave and Mike were watching "The Green Berets" and listening to T-Rex and Deep Purple. During the big battle scene we turned off the record player and turned up the TV sound. At about 7:30 Bob had come over and started drinking. At around 9 pm Cathy, Sandy C., Lesley and some guy Rob came. Rob threw up in the can. Lesley was crying against the garage door [no wonder the rest of us had our doubts about the merits of beer- drugs never made one maudlin or sick]. After a while "Green Berets" got boring and I went upstairs where they were watching Mission Impossible. During this time Sandy threw up downstairs. We watched about half an hour of "The Terror" with Boris Karloff and then we (Danielle, Dave, Andy, Gillian, Trevor and me) left at 11:30. All time record: Ralph, Danielle, Alan, Gillian, Lesley, Rob, Bob, Cathy, Sandy, Foster Tilden, R. Fenoulet [sic], F. Parnell, Diane, Dave, Trevor, Mike Flahault, Andy]. Diane left at 10:30, the rest at 11:30.