part II 1971-1977


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Letter to Chris from Gillian and me written August 7, 1972 (never sent)


Dearest Toad:


How goes it? This is Gillian writing this but it's from me & Alan R. Sweet fuck all is happening. We're looking forward to your coming home. Alice Cooper is coming to Pierrefonds Arena on the 21st I think but I'm not sure. It may be on the 22nd or 23rd. I just said the 21st to scare you.

Flower Power Peace Baby


Groovy man like what can I tell ya? Alan is home-my Alan not Alan R. I knew you'd be thrilled to hear. I am shitty at writing letters in case you haven't noticed. We're gonna make a movie when Ralph & Company get back. We're gonna have that faggot scene from Monty Python with all the soldiers. Tell me one thing I've always wanted to know for all my life-can toads really salute or do they just fake it. If you don't fake it, don't get your webbed feet caught in your beautiful green eyes. It must be hard to get your green bowlegged knees into the uniform or do you have one tailor made?


I know what you're thinking You: Urge to kill

Bye for now

Love & kisses

Gillian Simons

32 Golf Ave

Pointe Claire (hint-hint!)


One fucked up frog [drawing of a frog]

Alan Rhodes did this (he wants your body)

You die Gillian!!!!-A.R.

He didn't cross the bit about your body out because he knows that when I take it home I will just fill it in again.


August 8 Tuesday

Went to Gillian's at 3:30. Watched the Wild Wild West in the den, got a recipe for refrigerator cookies. Left at 5:45.


August 9 Wednesday

Went to Fairview, met Lesley then Lesley's friend Judy Robinson. I bought a tank, turtle food and two turtles. I called them Acid and Mesc. nite- Sue, Karen, Mom and I went to visit my aunt Phyllis at her apt.


August 10 Thursday

Sweet fuck-all.


August 11 Friday

Rode Gillian's bike to Lesley's, Judy came. Lesley was making a shawl. Just before we left the shawl's nail came out and Lesley got mad and kept yelling "shut-up". Left at 5:10.


August 12 Saturday

Gillian came over (parents gone) about 12, she left about 45 minutes later. Dave came over, then Diane, Gillian returned, then Lesley, Judy, Andy and Alan [Walker]. Smoked up downstairs in the reckroom. Everyone left at 6 except for Lesley and Dave. We smoked up in the livingroom. Andy came for about 5 minutes.


August 13 Sunday

Gillian came over in the afternoon, watched a movie (a modern western). Lesley and Judy came over, telling secrets. They left about 5:15. nite- went to Gillian's, a guy came Pete Cowand, then Judy's brother came and got us. We got Lesley and Judy and went to the Dorval Community Center. Sat in the dark and sang. Sat on the ping-pong tables, left at 11.