May 13 Saturday
Don came over, talked in the vestibule about an hour, then we met Gillian at the end of the Path and walked to the Pits, went to the falls. Took pictures [one of which shows the moment Gillian found the ring she'd lost in the water May 6th]. I went for a walk [to see if Chris was around] and met Ralph on his bike , went back to the falls. Don had a joint of weed, I got very stoned [Gillian kept saying "Fuck, am I wasted!". I sat up in a tree]. Sat for about an hour, then we went to the cliffs, then home. nite- sat at the end of the Path for 1/2 hours, then as I went up the Path met Ralph, Danielle and Andy. We walked to Gillian's. Don, a blond girl [Cathy Hay], and Gillian's sister [Abby] there. About 20 minutes after we got there we saw an orange Volkswagen drive up and Chris T got out, so he came. Bit later we went out in the back garden for a splif. Played cards by candlelight, went out again (and a few more times). Chris lost his smokes. Listened to 'Penis Dimensions'[Zappa]. Took two group pictures [the first of Abby]. Chris left at 11, so did the blond girl. We left at 11:25.
May 14 Sunday
Diane came over, sat in the livingroom. Then Gillian and her sister, then Lesley and Mike (Lesley and Mike are going out), then Ralph. Gillian's sister left, played records, talked etc.
May 15 Monday *
Lesley came in in a bad mood and as she stormed upstairs I told her to fuck off. Math- Chris wants to go to Ottawa, so I gave him a form. We talked about the weekend. Lunch- Janet, her boyfriend, Dave and I went to the shops, on the way Christine joined us. We sat on the green benches. On the way back it drizzled. Art- Chris wanted to stay in the class with us, but the sub teacher (Lapa's away) said we were to draw someone, Chris chickened out. I drew Christine. got out 10 minutes early. English- sat in class for about 25 minutes, then Yacknin said if I wasn't going to do anything I could leave, so I did. Went to the Civic Center under the trees, met Janet, her boyfriend, Dave and some guy. Don and his friend Kim came up, Don showed me his new pipe. Then Don, Kim and the other guy left. Sat for about 5 minutes. Science- gave Chris back his smokes from Saturday nite. He said he likes the girl (see May 12), he said he can't come with us Friday nite because he had cadets "final inspection". I said we'd all come and watch-he said "No, that's ok".
May 16 Tuesday
Lunch- Diane, Dave, Lesley, Christine, Andy, his friend, a girl, Janet and I went to the Civic Center behind the rink and smoked up (I didn't). Christine, Andy and friend left, so the rest of us sat under the trees. Science- Chris said he'd come down Saturday. We wrote up the lab for later, Chris went through my sketch book. He said he was going to Toronto in June, and I should go at the same time.
* George Wallace is shot in an asassination attempt.
Cathy, Andy, Alan and Chris
Ralph, Gillian and Don
Danielle, Don, Gillian, Ralph and Abby