part II 1971-1977


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February 22 Tuesday (44)

Lunch- Don here, sat in the aud on the stairs. Don has Silly Puddy, he gave me a piece.


February 23 Wednesday

Math- talked to Racine about fake blood. Gym- played basketball, I played for 9 minutes (did pretty good-I played, not stood around like a fucker). Lunch- went to the aud with Lesley, sat in an offroom with Norma. Wrote on the wall "I was here on Feb 23/72" and "Sex had gone on here (Don and Lesley)".


February 24 Thursday

Math- Racine and Todd thought I was stoned (I wasn't talking). Had a hard square root test. Got out 5 minutes early, I was looking in Lesley's room (the same hall as my locker), Chris T came up and said the Math test was hard. Gym(spare)- went to the library with Ken, reading science books. Lunch- Lesley and I went to the aud, with Norma in the offroom. Drew on the wall a stoned guy and Lesley. Dave and Janet Donaldson came. English- saw a weed movie [perhaps this was the 'Sonny' one], we were all sitting across the back wall. Science- Higginson and Todd were sitting in front of Fenouhlet and I, I told Todd I was on heroin (what a joke). He said they wouldn't serve Negroes at the new big bar on Hymus (45). Todd was tuning around to us all class talking to us. nite- went to Lesley's. Judy, Don, Dave and Ralph there. I put a blood package in my mouth, then came downstairs and said I didn't feel well, then bit it. Lesley said Don looked shocked. I covered my cig package in wax from the candle. On the way home talked to Rea shovelling his driveway.


February 25 Friday Holiday

About 5 Lesley, Don and Judy came in Lesley's mother's car and we went to Fairview. I got new running shoes !!! (Aug 10/71-Feb 25/72). Drove back to Lesley's for asec, wrote on my running shoes. got a drive to a restaurant near Don's [Marco's?], sat with a girl drummer who never stopped talking (Lesley and Judy sat at another table, they didn't know us). Another girl and guy came in, then Don, Lesley, Judy and I walked to Valois to Velos Pizza, got a pizza. Got a drive home.


February 26 Saturday

Walked to Lesley's in the afternoon, Judy there. Drew, Don came. Lesley typed. Everyone seemed mad at each other. Walked home. nite- went to Ralph's (Lesley, Don, Judy and I). Dave there. Got out a ping-pong table. Ralph and I played chess (I lost). Then Lesley, Dave, Judy, Ralph's sister [Danielle, very close to Ralph's age, maybe a year younger?] and I played cards. Judy left at 11, we hit each other with water. I kicked Don in the balls over something. Left at 12:30 am.


February 27 Sunday

Lesley, Don and Judy came over. Don had little binoculars, Lesley and Don fighting. Nothing much happened.


February 28 Monday

Lesley away. History- Janet Donaldson was sorting grad pictures for the annual and she left me see Bob Walford's. Lunch- went to the Civic Center with Janet and Dave, then we went to the offroom and sang and made noises. After an art "D" I watched Chris Todd play ping-pong, talked for awhile to the girls from Grade 8 at my locker (they used to call me granny).


February 29 Tuesday

Before French at my locker I showed Dave Webb the picture of Janis Joplin nude from 'Rolling Stone'. Lunch- went to the aud with Lesley, sat in the offroom and talked. Before English showed Jerry and Diane Shalard and Warren Johnson the Joplin picture (Diane freaked out last week). Science- Todd sometimes came back and talked to us.




44. Nixon was in China at this time.


45. Which I don't think was the case. It's name was the Manior, and because of its shape, everyone thought as it was being built it was a church...In the 1990's, my friend Chris Gobeil said it had been built with Mafia money...



Danielle deSmit