part II 1971-1977


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January 17 Monday

Math- talked to Chris Todd about the groups he had at his school in Toronto (Alice Cooper) [we had been listening to Alice Cooper back in the fall, ex-'I'm 18']. Lunch- 4th floor hall near the auditorium with Christine and Sue. Rea and Porter came, Porter tripped me, smashed my elbow.


Note on my locker from Lesley


How's Splat?




How's John? Is he down yet? (Marsha, John, Curly Joe, Max, Grisly) Sure hope so. If he wasn't, well...Judistaha, me, and Splat want to come to Alluitiuos' basement Friday night. How about it. Is John going to be sick on Friday? Hope so.


Bai! Grisenibel (Grisly)


I have only 5 days (ugh) of (ugh) art (ugh) left. Thank God.


Then (heh heh heh)


January 18 Tuesday

Lunch- Don here, we went to the apartments across the street. He talked about killing animal all lunch. Science- talked with Fenouhlet (41) and Todd about someone jumping through a hole through the center of the earth.


January 19 Wednesday

Lunch- Don here, he waiting for a guy with Orange Barrel acid (he didn't come). English- Ian what's-his-name borrowed my pencil.


January 20 Thursday

Judy here with us at my locker [before A block]. Math- sat next to Racine and talked [which just happened to be near Chris Todd]. Gym(spare)- went to the library with Judy and Ken, then out with Judy for a smoke. She wore my black coat inside out. Lunch- Mike here [and after this day he almost completely disappears], I signed his autograph book with a 2+1/2 page story on preserves. Art-started to wash off the windows. After Don and Judy came on my bus, Don came to my place. He gave me 1 tap of acid (green). We went to the basement. Spun Don around on the chair (he fell over all night). About 7 Judy came. We lite a candle. Judy and I went in the furnace and almost balled [not even almost...]


January 20 - The Deep Purple concert at the Forum, which I believe Lesley attended...


January 21 Friday

Took (too much) acid at 7:45 am. Math- started getting off. Gym(spare)- in the library with Ken [reading Tin Tin books]. Judy and Don came in. I almost freaked out [probably experiencing the full LSD trip for the first time. I now think that the dose not only may have been too much (this seems to have been particularly good LSD), but also the time and place were wrong]. They took me to the hospital. [The Emergency Drug Unit-'EDU', set up for just such cases as myself (41a). I was given an injection that calmed me but in no way decreased the visuals, it just didn't scare me anymore. After I was talked to in the chapel by Dave Avery, one of the last of the hippies that we knew. Then I was released. Parents were not informed]. I saw everything (colours [my hair felt like straw, my hands when together seemed joined] etc). Walked back to school at about 1 pm [watched birds leaving trails in the sky]. nite- Lesley came over at 6:30, then Judy and Don. (Don and Lesley have broken up, I think for good), then Dave and Ralph. We were throwing darts. They left at 11.


January 22 Saturday

Judy, Don and Lesley came over, I drew pictures, played darts. nite- Don came over, we played darts, later we were really sleepy [or bored].




41. Rob, of earlier and later fame. See summer 1969 and October 1973


41a. Feb 2002

Joseph Zemanovich, Pierrefonds, Que.

Governor General's Caring Canadian Award


Noticing that the drug problem in his area was reaching high levels, Joseph Zemanovich joined with the Rotary Club and local pharmaceutical companies in 1969 and founded the Emergency Drug Unit at the Lakeshore General Hospital.