part II 1971-1977


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February 16 Saturday

Dave, Heather, Mich, Maggie and Ralph sign the foil door in my room.


Letter written February 18, 1974 from Dave to Gillian


Dear Gill;


I knew it was you when you called. I didn't care to speak to you as I was quite pissed off. You never showed up at J.R.-didn't call or nothing! And when you didn't come over that Friday afternoon I'd cleaned up the whole bloody house and was dying with anticipation. Then what happens- Christine calls me giving explanations for your benefit. The least you could have done was call me up in good time to notify me of what was up!!! I'm not mad at all any more, but I'm an honest homespun brat and I know you'll appreciate knowing the truth.


I don't know if I told you about my new hope-to-be 19 yr old beauty of a chick. Um-m-m-m! I met her at the "Boiler Room" on Crescent St. downtown the weekend you were here. Luscious much! I've been on the phone with her almost every day after the night we met. I think she likes me. She brushed off my cousin and his friend (the two lascivious of our day) and spoke to me all night. We came home together (she slipped me her phone number on the bus!) At 2:00 am Lots of fun-hope the future proves interesting!!!


Yes, I'm going to see "Yes" at the forum next Monday night. Donna's in Toronto working her butt off. She called me long distance saying she had 4 tickets and couldn't make it and that she was about to send them off to me with a letter. So far it hasn't come. She called me up last Tuesday-today's Monday the show's a week away, something better give!


Well, I must go downstairs and watch the late movie- it's already started (besides I'm writing so fast now, my hand's killing me!


Write soon, luv-

Love on, ya



I do mean babe!


Letter from Gillian postmarked in Lennoxville, February 20, 1974


Dear Alan:


Well how goes it?

...Things haven't been quite so depressing lately as they were before but the big question is....Why not?

a) because I married Attila the Hun

b) because I saw Chris Todd

c) because I met Frankenstein

d) because I went to Bishop's University and bought a good dime of hash.

... If you guessed A, B, or C you were wrong but you probably guessed D. It is really fun having that much dope because it is lasting a long time because I always smoke by myself and I still have about a gram left. It is so different from always smoking with someone else....nice change.


I know that you smoke by yourself so you can understand what I'm taking about, (if you are not too stoned).


I figure that when you read this, you should be pretty stoned because you've probably been smoking all day (more or less) and you came home and your mother said "Oh Al, there's a letter for you" and you thought "Oh fuck it's a summons from the MUC". So aren't you glad that it's only me. Now that I've made you thankful for this letter, here it is.


Hi! How are you?


Once upon a time, there lived a gnome at the foot of a knotted tree trunk. This particular tree trunk happened to be on a street called Winston Circle and right next door lived another gnome but this gnome lived in a mushroom (for convenience's sake). However this next door gnome (who's name was Foster) ate away at his dwelling until there was not much left. This mushroom was a peyote mushroom.


But anyway, back to the first gnome (who's name was Alan). This gnome used to drive around in a big huge car. It was a good life as he smoked alot of dope. But one day the big bad city people came and they invented parents and big houses and Foster and Alan's life became more complicated and more of a drag, and they soon had to start smoking in a basement. And these parents sent Alan's friend to a horrible school where she couldn't even smoke at all except outdoors.



THE MORAL: Make one up.

Write soon


Love always
