part II 1971-1977


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Part of a conversation between Andy, Ralph, Mike, Rob F., and I recorded at my place February 10, 1974. There is a great deal of noise on the original tape, so some words are lost.


Andy-     Hey you know the Drop-In wasn't too bad last night.

Ralph-     Considering no one was there it was ok.

Andy-     It was just like it was last summer.

Ralph-     Yeah.

Andy-     The same people.

Ralph-     Right. Not many people were there, right.

(tape noise)

Mike-     ..scared the shit out of me. "Want a fight man!? Want a fight!?...I'm gonna go sit in Alan's car"

cause I...

Andy-     Oh shit, I'm sorry

(tape noise)

Andy-     You should of just...

Mike-     "Andy, leave me a-lone!"

Andy-     I was only...

Rob-     You, you obnoxious bastard, Andy. Last night all I can remember is getting thrown on the floor.

Andy-     You, her and Danny all ganged up on me at once.

Rob-     Ah ha! We're going to get you now!

Andy-     It's true, ay? (noise)...and Danny fucking got me...I didn't kick any (?), I didn't slam any doors...he

was rowdy, like he was slamming doors.

Rob-     Who was slamming doors?

Ralph-     Murry ripped the door right off...

Rob-     I was not rowdy.

Ralph-     Ohhhh.

Rob-     Ralph, I wasn't rowdy.

Ralph-     No, I don't remember...

Rob-     We just drank, that's all.

Ralph-     I wasn't one was rowdy last night, just foot-stompin'.

Rob-     Yeah.

Alan-     Pushing beer in my face.

Andy-     Yeah, you were singing...

Alan-     Yeah, you in the can were weren't just loud, you were loud.

Ralph-     I don't even remember.

Rob-     We don't even remember what we did.


February 14



February 15

Ralph's, Dave's.


(Andy's) February 15, Friday

Things are going okay with Bennie-she's a nice chick. The only trouble is we don't do anything interesting on the weekend.


The parents split till Sunday, so Brad, Bob + John came over for some tokes. After getting into some serious smoking, we went to the John Rennie Carnival Dance. Bennie had persuaded me to go, against my better judgment. It got pretty fucking boring. I spent most of my time on the ping-pong tables at the end of the Great Hall. Didn't get very close to Bennie either. The group was pretty shit.


Afterwards John. Bob + Brad came over again and we had banana splits and hot-knives-at fucking 1 in the morning I went to bed so stoned it wasn't funny.