part II 1971-1977


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March 3 Saturday

At 1 met Christine and Lesley at Aurora and Douglas Shand, we walked to Rob's [in the neighbourhood of the Lakeshore General Hospital] and went to the basement. About 1/2 hour later Steve came and we got in a car with Hugh, 3 guys and the driver (10 people in all) and we drove to Peter's (?) house in Beaconsfield. We all went in except the driver. They had guitars. About 3 we (Rob, Lesley, Christine and I) left and went back to Lesley's. At 4:30 Christine left and at 6 I did too. nite-nothing.


Saturday, 3 March

...Alan called and asked if I was doing anything tonight. I said I didn't know and he wouldn't tell me what he did yesterday, this afternoon, nor his plans for tonight. [Andrew, Donna and I ended up going over to Dave's in the evening. We sat in his basement and listened to music- John Mayall, Leon Russell and Atomic Rooster get mentioned.]


March 4 Sunday

Met Lesley on the highway and we walked to Rob's. Sat in the kitchen about 20 minutes then went to the basement. Peter came, talked, boring pretty well. Left about 5:30 and walked with Rob and Lesley.


Sunday, 4 March

[Went to Dave's and then to Jackie's in the evening and drank rum & cokes]


March 5 Monday

Art-brought in 3 of my movies (May 26-27, July 5 + Oct+Nov/72) and played them (after some difficulty with the projector). Lunch-showed the movies to the E block class. Andy, Ralph and Mike came to see them, then Ralph, Mike and I went outside. Math-Andy and I talked about my going with Lesley and friends [see March 10, 1973].


Monday, 5 March

...Lunch- went with Alan to watch his movies which he was showing to his "E" Block art class- May, July and August.

..."G" Block-English- [Rob] Griffin (88a) predicted that in '76 FLQ terror would reign...


March 6 Tuesday

Art-talked with Lesley and Christine, stabbed Christine's sandwich. Lunch-in the student's lounge with Lesley, Sue [Essiambre?] and Andy. Near the end talked with Andy and friends. On the way to my locker met Chris T, he asked about the movies yesterday. Math-had to sit by the window, found a Jesus Freak booklet [Moses David and the Children of God, who's comic book-like pamphlets were making the rounds of the school]. nite-driving lesson from 6 to 7, went near Donna's. Parallel parking.


Tuesday, 6 March

[The M&R retreat at the old farmhouse on Blvd St Jean. My account is made up of the usual litany of indescribably dull detail] (88) [Ah Ralph, Ralph, Ralph. This reminds me of the copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall I have. An editor had had his way with it (deleting sections describing the troupe numbers in Europe)...Maddening..].




88a. from an email from Bob Kennedy, June 21 2008: Robbie Griffen - the first suburban white guy to like Barry White.


88. Ralph's note: Bob Kerr and Ernie get mentioned. My discussion group was animated by Mike Straw- one of the founders of the Fairview Drop-In Center and of the Emergency Drug Unit at Lakeshore Hospital. The EDU served Alan on one occasion- can't recall or locate the date-[see January 21, 1972] and became a fairly regular hospice for Mike Flahault in the fall of 1974 when his almost constant mescaline and LSD intake- as well as a pretty bizarre personal life- led to a series of psychotic episodes which the EDU was not really equipped to handle. It got to the point where Mike carried around the phone number of another of the EDU's founders, a Robert Palmer (?), who we were to call in case Mike "freaked out". I remember having to do this on one occasion when Mike had an episode in my basement- Palmer showed up at around 10 pm at my house to deal with Mike- leading to my having to do a lot of explaining to my parents. Mike Straw was 3 or 4 years older than us, and a friend of Nicolette's. Since his EDU days he has held various jobs in the fields of human relations and Personnel Management, and has also become one of the most powerful members of the Canadian National Coven of Witches. This is true, really. I stayed around after the all day session to help clean up and got a lift home with Peter Taylor, an overweight guitarist who was in my M&R class who, being a few years older than me- I assumed he was a returning "mature student"- and considered to be really "cool", was an object of my admiration.