part II 1971-1977


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October 29 Friday

Math- Paul and I got out 5 minutes early (Lang let us out). Gym(spare)- went to the shops, on the way met Judy (she's off school today). talked to Don. Lunch- went to the Civic Centre with Judy, Lesley, Dave, Sandi and Heidi. nite- went to Lesley's, met Don then Judy. We got the bus to Berri then the metro to the Forum to see "Daddy Cool and Ten Years After". We toked up alot. Many people lit matches at one point, (P.S.- Don, Lesley, Judy and I went. We met Mike on the bus going down, he had a pumpkin) [I don't think he came with us to our seats. One of the songs by Daddy Cool "Baby, let me bang your box" became one of Mike's running jokes]. Got the bus home.


From the Gazette review by Dave Bist:


" TYA gets down to biz. Which is to say Alvin Lee takes over, playing rock, blues, a touch of classical, singing scat harmonies with the guitar, and even blowing a blues harp for a few bars. Good solid stuff. Fun music, well-played. That's what a good rock and roll band is all about.


And the 8-9000 at the Forum loved it. That's all they expect - good music, a little flash, a little smoke and a powerful sound system makes for a nice evening...


Maybe we're past the point where everyone takes rock and roll the people's music, too seriously. Maybe we'll look at it like it's supposed to be again. Like it used to be."


October 30 Saturday

I think Laine moves today. Went to Lesley's, shot all of movie #2 (Mike, Judy, Dave and Lesley). Don came in the middle. Went to Perette's to get batteries for the camera. Took the rest of the movie. Don and Mike came back home with me (shooting with this pellet gun) [for example: the lock of a mail box]. We ate pizza downstairs. On the way back to Lesley's the police stopped us and searched us [near the Mapes in Lakeshore Road. I saw the police car coming so] I dropped the gun in the leaves so they didn't find it [although they did find pellets on Don]. Got to Lesley's, Judy, Brenda, Sandi and two friends came. [Don did go back and find the gun] Had a seance. Went to the Mapes. Don got some "fresh air". We applauded alot. Went back to Lesley's. Don left and Judy, Lesley and I talked about horror stories. I walked home (cold! wind 21°).































October 31 Sunday

Don called on me, we toked downstairs. We rode to Lesley's. Mike and Jeanie [?] came (Judy there). They left to go to Perette's. Lesley threw me out [over what I don't remember, I think I challenged her authority. Whatever it was, I was forgiven the next day]. nite- went to church (Judy, Sandi, Mike and Jeanie) for the talk group. Heard a tape about sex [and the teenager].


Note written c. September-October 1971 by Lesley and Judy to Don


Dear Don,


Hello, I don't want to lose you to Gillian, though I don't really see any reason why I should. I don't like to put myself down, but Gillian is a bitch and she will do anything to make me mad. So I gave up taking chances.


Hi hai


Dear Don, how are you? I am fine. How's Lesley? She like you a lot. You are a monster. You terror of grade seven. You should really stay away from Gillian. Because Lesley will probably take double shitfits if you don't. You should have come to J.R. after school today.


Keep Smiling. Don't be a bad boy, now.


Peace Brother Dragon.

Lesley's amie Judy.




* Speaking of 10 dollars...when the new Canadian ten dollars bills were released at this time, Don came to me and asked if I had seen them. He said it had a futuristic city on the back (actually is was an oil refinery).