December 7 Sunday
Ralph and Maggie (at least) in my basement.
December 8 Monday
Rob, Mich, Peter and I saw Frank Zappa at the Forum [actually quite good].
From the Gazette review by Juan Rodriguez:
"In his tenth year as leader of the Mothers of Invention, Frank Zappa keeps on truckin' his inspired avant-guard rock around for anyone who cares to listen.
In the beginning, he vowed the Mothers would be bigger than the Beatles; it didn't quite turn out like that, but he has been just as influential in his own way. Many of the more than 9,000 fans who turned up at his Forum concert last night were devotees of the very slovenly heavy rock of which Zappa's heavily composed music is the antithesis - but they like him anyway..."
Speaking of the Forum, Mike and Ralph were at a show (in 1975?, though we now think it was 1977) there where a guy fell from a catwalk into the crowd below (and the story had it he was in a coma for ever after). Mike saw it from the corner of his eye, and thought it was a jacket...
December 11 Thursday
LSD or mescaline?
December 15 Monday
Last day of Abbott, played pool with Wade.
December 16 Tuesday
Correction. Last day of Abbott. Lounge opened once more!
December 18 Thursday
Drew a picture of Bob Dylan [which I gave to Ralph].
December 19 Friday
Went to the Mapes with Fred, Ernie, Mich, Louise, Heather, Ralph and Andy.
One night at Rob's, Mike observed how old we were becoming. He and Rob were talking, a glass in one hand and an arm resting on the mantle piece, like older people at parties.
December 20 Saturday
Bought 'Phaedra' (Tangerine Dream).
December 31 Wednesday
Played pool with Maggie at Marco's. Bought the High Times Christmas issue [at the Mapes]. Did mesc there, then New Year's at Rob's. Ralph, Andy, Mich. [Went out after 12 up to a party near the hospital's (Rachelle's?), looked in the window's, 2 unconscious people were crashed in the livingroom (Denis?)]. Went back to the Mapes [made a triumphal entry and met Heather and the other girls. Later still we were at Kevin Allen's].
Ralph and Maggie