part II 1971-1977


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September 25 Thursday

At downstairs in the basement of the Centennial Center at Abbott with Janet, Bob [Callen, who at this time would have been 25. He didn't go to Abbott, but like to hang around there smoking drugs and playing guitar. Janet introduced him] and others. [He smoked some wonderful black hash with us].


[With this meeting with Bob, the final phase of this era begins. In many ways this part of the journal should end here. By 1976 I was actively pulling away from what was left of the old group, spending more time with my drawings and hashish.]


We had to sit out on the ledge of the windows in the lobby of the CC in breaks because the lounge was closed to us again. It became known as 'the Veg Ledge'. Drug smoking continued uninterrupted...


September 29-30 Monday-Tuesday

The real return to photography, with pictures taken at Abbott.



October 1975


October 3-5 Friday-Sunday

Maggie and I went to the farm. Rob, Mich and Ralph met us there. [it really wasn't any fun.

There were to many memories there, good and bad. Ralph was bored because he hadn't been part of the earlier trips. The plaque was still there...


One morning a family came to look at the place, as we were planning to sell it. While showing them a back field a bull got interested in us, we left (the idiot man didn't see this as a problem).


The Lincoln didn't behave well on the return trip].


October 6 Monday

Started to drive into Abbott and the Lincoln's engine seized [at Woodland ave and the 2&20, the oil pump failed. After arranging details], I took [my mother's car and] my sister's TV to Abbott. We watched the Marx Brs 'Night at the Opera'.


October 11 Saturday

[Rob and I had looked at it earlier, and on this day I ] got the van. [A 1969 Econoline, it turned out to be a bit of a disaster. It's glory years were 1976 and 77, serving as a motel at Long Sault and in New York City. It was carpeted top to bottom inside, with a bed at the back and captain chairs upfront. There were speakers installed, two oval windows on either side at the for the problems: it had no power steering or brakes, in the wind it handled like a box (which it was), by 1977 the engine needed reboring, it sat in the driveway for years until sold in 1980 for peanuts. But in 1975 all that was in the future...]


Saturday Night Live premiered October 11, and though unrecorded in the journals, we did watch it.


It may have been October 12 that I took the van down to visit Gillian at Alex's.


October 18 Saturday

My 19th birthday. At Fairview with Gillian, the antiques show was there. Went to dinner with my family at L'Habitant, a restaurant in a house from 1789.


October 24 Friday

Bennie, Ralph, Mike and I went to see Heart and Rod Stewart [with Ron Wood] at the Forum [not bad]. Met Heather, Louise and Brenda on the bus [coming back?] .



Maggie, Michelle and Rob