March 12 Wednesday
The old lounge at JAC reopened.
March 16 Sunday
Filmed at my place [Mike and Maggie] and at Stuart Hall [Mike, Ralph and an unidentified girl].
March 21 Friday
Filmed at JAC [Ralph, Peter Fiset (making his first appearance in the records.) Terry, Andy, Bob Hyland, Michelle Gay and many others]. nite- took my stereo to Ralph's.
March 22 Saturday
Filmed at my place [Maggie and a friend].
March 28-30 Friday-Sunday
[The second and last trip to] the Weekend Club. Gillian, Mike and I went.
[The Friday night seems to have passed uneventfully.
Gillian went back to see Alex on Saturday morning (I forget how she got back). That night we had no drugs to speak of. That was until a guy there from the army, with a broken wrist, started to give out mescaline from a plastic bag (this guy was a friend of Art, who was also there this night. Art (from 1980-81) and I were talking in 1981 and discovered this).
Mike got some first, then asked the guy for some for me. People were doing it in milk, or snorting it (as we did). Captain Strange was there (his name was Pat, with long blond hair, a beard and sunglasses. He would walk around the lounge and stand beside people until they gave him a toke. A bit sad). He did more mesc then I'd ever seen anyone do (before or since).
Behaviour got strange. We checked out this backroom and it was warped. In fact the whole house bent this way and that. The livingroom had a large sag in the middle ceiling (this had nothing to do with the drugs). Mike really got stoned. He would stand,and stand and stand. "Sit down Mike".
Some of us went for a voyage across the road. There was a house, then it went down a small way to a stream. It was bridged by a large log, or something like that. I decided not to cross into the woods. Sitting down in the snow I watched a bizarre scene unfold.
Lights came on, dogs barked. From the house, on a balcony, came the voice of a woman "Go back, go back, cross at your own peril!" I did go back, the others did too, eventually.
We sat in the backroom where we sat most of the time and relaxed. A guy played guitar, we told stories. We discovered strange religious cards.
Mike and I had bunk beds upstairs. We tried to crash, listening to Beverly on CHOM and buzzing in our heads. Then Captain Strange came in and sat there for about half an hour making strange noises. Finally he left (and for some reason Van Morrison reminds me of this room, I think we listened to CHOM at this time)..]
April 1975
April 9 Wednesday
[We got free tickets to] Babe Ruth at the Garden of Stars at Man and his World. We had to get to Atwater. [Rob and I got to Lachine hitchhiking but got no further and time was running out. so] we walked from 24th ave in Lachine [though Lachine, up to Upper Lachine road, along Sherbrooke] to Atwater, then the metro to Expo. [At least Ralph was there. The show was bad. It was being filmed for TV (and never shown...or was it?). During the introduction, a guy in the audience kept yelling "Fuck you!"]
Peter Fiset