Mescaline on the 23rd and 24th [and I took a break from chemicals until May, which may explain why in this period my first realistic drawings emerge...]
January 25
January 26
The Drop-in
(Andy's) January 25+26 Friday-Saturday
I went up to Fairview on Friday where I met Bennie Bennet and Julie Pratt, two nice-looking girls of whom I had aquaintanced a few weeks earlier, through Dave E., and I had been trying to get to know for about a week. We got stoned and split down to a bash at Mike's, then split to Topaz and got them a ride home.
Saturday John Taite and I got them to invite us to Bennie's baby sitting job. We bought some beer after going to the drop-in first and then headed up to the place. When we got there, we smoked some hash oil and watched T.V.-and I managed to make it with Bennie (however Julie stopped John with a frantic "no way, no way!")
January 30
The large group of people that had met over the summer and fall now splits into three main groups:
1) Heather, Louise, Rachelle, Tracy, Brenda(>) [not Gates], plus René, Pete and Jerry S.
2) Sue, Bennie, Richard, Scott, Murry, sometimes Dave and Dave H. Ralph and Andy fit into groups 1 and 2.
3) Rob, Maggie, Michelle, Foster, Fred, Ernie, Danny, Tim and myself. We were basically sick of the Drop-In.
So we escaped to the farm.
January 31-February 1 Thursday-Friday
Maggie,Tim, Michelle, Rob, Danny and I went. Once there we climbed Mt. Boge, toking half way up, then again at the top.
We partied in a room upstairs (which because it was ugly, and the mess we made of it, we called it 'The Sleazy Hotel'. The power went off that night, we used candles. The window of the room covered in a very thick (but beautiful) layer of ice.
We got very stoned ("there's a man in the pipe", Maggie had the 'Mystic Buns', "There's a pig in the room" (it was a pig shaped lamp)).
Later Maggie was crashed in another room. She had an eye infection, as we came in the room there was this big red eyes staring up at us from over the edge of the blanket. We ran in terror.
One of them had to stay in the 'Boge Room' (where the monster would get them. There was a mirror on the floor there).
February 1 cont.
The next day we slid down the road and hid the beer cans in the field.
A film survives of this trip.
On returning to Montreal we went to the Drop-In. We felt the ice from the others there.