December 27
Dave's, here
December 28 Friday
Here. My father bought a new stereo so he gave me the old one (which I used until 1977).
Comet Katoutec (?) made its appearance in late December/early January. I never saw it, being it being dimmer than the scientists first had thought. The Children of God pamphlets called it the end of the world (what? again?).
During this month Ringo Starr released his most successful solo album (with a Sgt. Pepper style cover). This was the last time all the (living) Beatles appeared on the same recording, though not all together on the same song...
December 31 Monday
A New Year's party at my place. We began in the basement, many of us. My parents were having a party upstairs and the two mixed (at first not of our choice. My father and his secretary Dorthea came down, I had a large pipe in my hand as they cam in. I turned and took it across the room, hiding it on the floor next to Dave).
Anyway we pillaged food from upstairs, they borrowed rock records (like Ten Years After) to dance to. A splendid time was had by all.
(Andy's) December 31
Peter drove me down to the Maples Inn at 7:30. I paid a buck and had troubles getting in. It was practically deserted except for about 8 people gathering around the pool table. I knew a few of them by sight only, except for Paul, who had told me to come over that afternoon. I had six bucks in my pocket (the hash was gone) and a bottle of Southern Comfort in my jacket. Paul gave me a joint as well. I sat at the back until about nine, drinking Comfort and beer and smoking hash with these freaks beside me. Some guy from Montana or something like that was sitting at my table. A girl named Teresa came in, a friend of Paul's (more-or-less) and we talked for a while, although she did most of the talking...
People began to slowly filter in. By 9:30, about when the group, Push, came on, there was quite a crowd of hippies. Bob, Brad and John showed up, so me and Teresa moved over to their table, nearer the stage. Brad snorted some mescaline, and scored a gram of hash, of which I owned part. Smoked and drank quite a bit. Then Teresa picked me up-Christ!
Well now, the bottle was finished, the dope gone, and 3 quarts were empty on the table. I was pretty drunk and stoned-mostly drunk. First time I saw two of everything (Teresa had 4 eyes). I staggered outside for some fresh air for the ache in my gut. Teresa came out with me. The air did wonders, but as soon as we went inside, my head clouded again and my gut started aching.
Sitting at the table alone (Teresa was dancing), I tried to sober up and stop falling asleep. It did no good.
Outside again, I felt much better. Teresa came out and we sat down for awhile. She got up and went in, and I puked. Caught the knee of my pants too, before I managed to get up and stumble to a wide space between two cars, legs spread for support, hands in my pockets and my head bend over. Got my hair too, Dammit.
Between 11 and 1 I was sick 3 times. 3 times I went into the can to clean up. 3 times I returned to the table, drunker than a skunk and sick as a dog. I brought in the new year leaning back, my feet up, in my first seat, a beer in my hand, gazing through strained eyes at a pool game. Teresa was very understanding, having been in a similar state many times herself (she never smokes).
John and Bob had split home. At 1:30, just when I was straightening up and ready to go at it, Teresa had to leave. New Years Eve was one time I really didn't need a chick, out of many times I did. Oh well....
Brad, me and some guy from ST.T. (sort of a jock but a nice guy) decided to leave at about 20 to 2. Those two wanted to go to Baie D'urfe where there was a rant on, so I split home. I should have gone to Alan's, but I didn't think anyone was there (some stayed till three!).
I had set out to get more drunk than I had ever been on New Year's, and I did it. That thing with Teresa was unfortunate, but you can't be choosey about women. I really didn't mind getting sick that much, it happens to juicers. All things considered it was a very good night-I was pretty pissed.
During the holidays Maggie and Sue had to stay here because of snow. They crashed in the basement. They left a fake $500 bill on the door in the morning to say I could come in. My father was worried I might visit them in the night (little did he know...).