Gillian's letter postmarked November 14, 1973 from Lennoxville.
Dear Alan:
I hate to say anything but you've won Linda for the Christmas holidays. Yes, that's right. You and your loved one will be flown to the Mapes where you will spend a sex-filled "TWO WEEK HOLIDAY" (Beer and smoke extra)
Yesterday we started CADETS. I'm serious. Real-live Canadian Cadets. We have drill and all sorts of fucked up stuff like that. You know-ATTEN-SHUN and all that crap. And we thought Chris Todd was a pervert. Well look at me. It is taken really seriously. We are "the oldest Cadet corps in the Commonwealth". BIG SHIT! Oh Alan. Only 38 days and I'm coming home for Christmas. I can hardly wait. I hope you are enjoying your dope and cigarettes and all the other things I am deprived of in this hole. I will now attempt a sentence in pictures [a pictograph follows]
Solution-I can not wait for Christmas.
Gee I draw good! So do you! (Just kidding)
Now let me see, what can I say? Oh no, I can't think of anything to say. What a drag. Alan, please forgive me but I can't think of anything. I could always "small talk" for 6 pages-Hey, that's a good idea.
In school, I'm doing well. Remember that dope I had? Well before I returned to school on Wednesday I smoked 6 by myself. I couldn't talk or walk. Abby saved me at supper by covering up for me otherwise they would have known for sure I was spaced. I know you must be having a great time but I'm not. I'm giving you your two front teeth for Christmas. Until then
Love always
P.S. Write soon or you win Donna & Linda at the same time!
(Andy's) November 16 (maybe 23) (maybe 30) Friday
Scored 1/4 ounce of mescaline (30$) this week.
Bob Highland came over and we each snorted 2 caps. We left and started up to Fairview (where else?). Mrs. Boak from down the street gave us a lift. Very stoned, we more or less carried on a conversation about nothing in particular, our words slurred, out sentences filled with confused pauses, stuttering, and other forms of speech defects common to drug abusers and alcoholics.
We smoked a hash-grass splif before going in, which completely blew our wrecked brains. Sandy McAusland was there, Alan, Ralph, Sue, Louise, etc were there, Brian Sage and co. were there, plus a whole bunch of other loonies.
My mind was, to put it simply, confused and worried. The rest of me was in pretty bad shape too. After Fairview closed we lost just about everybody until it was me, Bob, Heather, Louise, Ralph, Pat and Danny. We all headed down to Ralph's place, met Rob Fenoulhet on the way (he'd been up to Fairview too). He drove Ralph home to phone Alan bout going over to his place. He wasn't home. On the way, Bob took me, Heather and Louise to see if he could get in the men's sauna room in Somervale Gdns. He had a key but the lock was jammed. Shit!
Over at Ralph's nothing happened-'cept me and Heather got a little chummy. Hmmm.....
Bob and I left and walked over to the Cartier for a drink, a game of Rally, and a look at the stripper........
Then we went to Bob's, caught some T.V. and I split home.