part II 1971-1977


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(Andy's) September 21 Friday

(this week I only skipped 1 class-a mistake-I thought Jared was subbing for Buchanan. Buchanan didn't give a damn)


Met Sue, Pat, Louise, Heather, Dave E., Alan at MacDonald's. John drove me + Ralph up. Had to get a guy to buy me a six-pack of Bras-d'or [Brador] cans. Ugh! Sue, Heather, Louise were tripping. Bought the beer at Blue Haven. Drank in the fields on a fence. Warmed up to Sue. Headed for Westminster where there was the same weirdos. Left about 10:50 thumbed home, got a ride early. Sat in the halls at Somervale Gdns with Heather and Ralph till 12:00 and talked.


(Andy's) September 22 Saturday

(Got my stereo from Wolf today)

Found out Sue didn't go to cottage today. Went to drop-in at Fairview Village. Met Danny (I went with Ralph) Sue, Pat, Heather, Louise breezed in; Pat, Heather + Louise were really drunk. Sue bought two quarts. Brenda Gates (?!) was there with 2 friends + they were drinking. Alan R., Phil, Larry, Al Whitehead + two of Phil's friends came with $90 of weed and mescaline. Mesc was shitty (says Ralph, who did some). Needless to say, Al, Al, Phil + 2 friends were really wired. Got smoked up by Phil and later by Larry. Ralph Byrd, Rob Fenoulhet + Tim Heron showed up for a few minutes and later Mark Simmons cruised through. Really warmed up to Sue. Alan left early, after about an hour, with Al Whitehead and 1 of the friends. He left early Friday night too. Why? Donna was there, [something] with Dave for a while and later tried to make it with Ralph, who didn't bite. However, this did upset Heather. Pat was supposed to be puking in the can, upset over the death of her dog. Louise wasn't acting as bad as Heather (who was crying over Ralph again) or Pat. Why do they get so drunk all they do is cry?? Ralph kept crashing out.


Letter written September 24, 1973 from Dave to Gillian


Dear Gillian;


So nice to hear from you-and, yes, I miss you lots too. How's life? I heard you had a pretty tight schedule-but what are your school hours, and how long are the period? I'm doing alright in school, I suppose, but in conditional placement this year, so the party's over-no skipping, or out I go. My schedule is as follows-functions, B.S.C.S. Biology, lunch, Man and Society, French, Physics and English-in that order.


I'm at home, at the moment, taking the day off, had those damned stomach cramps again.


How are your weekends? I haven't been straight in a long time. By the way-I took "num-nums" about 7 times within the first two weeks, but I gave'em up again-because (excuses, excuses) on Saturday, I went to the drop-in and had my favorite dish-smoke and beer, and believe me-it's the only way to go. (Hee! hee!)


Last night, coming home from our NEW COUNTRY CHALET UP NORTH!!!, I was listening to CJAD (actually I had no choice), and they had these 3 guys on who were all gay, and were expressing their opinions about homosexuality and society's relative affects upon them, etc and expecting a real laugh, they sounded straight, (no lisps, etc) and expressed themselves very seriously and openly, and I couldn't help but sympathize. It is sort of a shame, a democracy, huh! They were against rape and believed homosexuality to be just a fulfilling as hetrosexuality, provided it be respectable (you know, nothing ludicrous, etc). But don't worry Gill, when you come home, I'll still be a Dave and not a Davina!


Getting back to my social activities, Friday night [September 21] I went first to MacDonald's and met everyone there (I dropped a half a hit of purple haze) then half walked to the park (Westminster) and those who weren't stoned went to the fields and smoked. I went with the field people! They didn't know that I had done acid, but I didn't know that. So I was surprised when Alan passed the pipe to me. They found out I did acid, because I said so, thinking they already knew. I told them I wasn't off yet, which was true. So I got zonked on the hash. Then we split to the park, whereupon I began seeing all these strange colourful designs flying through the air-after that I don't remember much! Saturday night, well, no sense in repeating myself.


As usual, my being a big T-Rex fan makes life difficult, but hold on Marc I'll save ya!! I mean after all, can I help it if I like something or dislike something? No, so shut-up and stop advertising, Dave!


As usual, I found a really mean article cutting up T.Rex in this month's issue, (which I bought by the way, because of the picture in the article), but why should I get upset about it, I'm used to it. (I borrowed an English T.Rex release called 'Devils Angels" with 'The Groover' on it-Fantastic, what can I say?)


Well, I still miss my Stones' album, but I'm used to that as well! Maybe, just maybe one of these centuries, I'll get it back. I gave yours back faithfully in good condition, why aren't I entitled to that same right of ownership-Disgusting-But, I suppose I still love ya anyway.


Nothing much more to say so I guess I'll leave ya! to rest your eyes and my hand (shit, it's killing me). Please write me back again, so I'll be sure this letter reached you, I mean after all, that address is rather skimpy.


Well bye love, be good and remember:




P.S. miss you so much, hurry and come home!